Scholarship finding

My master selected my proposal. But she told me that the registration period for the scholarship is over. I need the scholarship to study for my Ph.D.
How can I find a way to get a scholarship?
What other solutions are there?

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Hi Soheil,
Without knowing much background about your situation, what I understand after carefully going through the application process for admission and the RTP scholarship myself, is that the process is usually simultaneous and scholarships rounds occur twice a year. I can only go on my own current experience with one university, but - for instance - I submitted for both in March, was offered admission end of March, and await the scholarship decision at the end of May to start the program in June. If you have missed applying for the current scholarship round at your university, but have been offered admission you might choose not to start/enrol until you have submitted an application in the next scholarship round (around October I think). Usually you have 1 year from the admission offer to start the program. If your supervisor ‘selected’ your topic then it is likely they are behind it and have written a good supporting statement that ticks all their faculty, and the Universities research boxes. The scholarship component is competitive and awarded based on academic merit and the quality of the proposal idea.

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Dear Jane,
Hi. I would like to thank you very much for your quick response and valuable guidance. I appreciate you. I wish you health and prosperity.

Best regards,
Soheil Jabbari

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No worries, all the best with the application.

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hoping someone else can answer this…

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